Islam Articles
- The Preservation of the Quran in its Oral Form
- Debunking Misconceptions: The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) - Bewitchment and Satan
- The Life of Maryam’s (Mary's) Mother in Islam: A Detailed Account
- The Religion of Prophets
- The "72 Wives" Claim By Christians Refuted
- Understanding Why Allah Deceived People: Refuting Misconceptions by Critics
- Was the Quran Copied from the Bible? A Critical Analysis
- Is Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) a Sinner? An In-depth Analysis
- The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh): A Model of Mercy, Integrity, and Justice
- The Prophecies of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): A Study of Divine Revelation and Fulfillment
- Are Women Oppressed in Islam and Forced to Wear the Hijab?
- Does the Quran Confirm the Bible?
- Do Muslims Worship the Black Box?
- Do Muslims Worship a Moon God?
- Does The Quran Order the Killing of People Who Do Not Accept Islam?
- Was Islam Spread by the Sword?
- Are There Different Versions of the Quran?
- The Age of Aisha When She Married the Prophet Muhammad
- Is There Salvation in Islam?
- Is the God in Islam the Same as the God in Christianity?
Christianity Articles
- Names Used in the Bible VS Names in the Quran
- The Religion of Prophets
- Dissertation on The Trinity and Its Sources
- Dissertation on the Arrest and Crucifixion of Isho (Jesus)
- Jesus Was Not Christ's Name
- Dissertation: The Reliability of the Bible as a Historical Source: Fact vs. Theology
- An Examination of the Term "Christian" and Its Roots in Pauline Doctrine
- The Antichrist in Christianity: A Theological Analysis
- Critical Analysis of Jay Smith's Approach to Islam and His Methodology
- Paul: His Mission, Truth or Falsehood?
- A Critical Analysis of the Bible: Divine Revelation or Man-Made Construction?
- Analyzing the Four Gospels: A Neutral Investigation of Jesus' Death and Resurrection
- Understanding Jesus' Death: A Historical and Theological Perspective
- Did Jesus Identify as a Christian and Bring a New Religion?
- Do Christians Worship The One and Only God?
- Are Christians Supposed to Keep the Sabbath?
- An Analysis of the Great Commission in Light of Historical Context and Jesus' Own Teachings
- The Baptism of Jesus: A Critical Examination
- A Critical Study of Wine in the Bible: Old Testament and New Testament Perspectives
- Does the Bible Teach About Modesty for Women?
- Are Christians Allowed to Eat Pork?